Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mortgage Financing for Self Employed Borrowers

It was not too long ago when self employed borrowers were able to qualify for mortgage financing with stated income and no documentation loans. With stated income mortgages, lenders simply asked borrowers to "state their income". If their credit was decent, their income seemed plausible for their industry, and their home appraised, they likely were able to obtain financing. With a no-doc mortgage, lenders typically just based their qualifying decision upon the borrowers' credit scores. That's it. No other supporting income, asset, or employment verification was needed.

While the idea of stated income loans may have seemed like a noble effort to streamline the financing process for self employed individuals, both borrowers and mortgage companies manipulated the system which led to a disproportionate number stated and no-doc of loans entering into default as borrowers took on mortgages that they could not afford. When you coupled these unconventional lending practices with depreciating real estate values, borrowers ended up underwater and unable to refinance out of their adjustable rate mortgages or higher interest fixed rate loan.

Today, stated income and no-doc loans are like finding a needle in a haystack as lending standards have become more restrictive and self-employed borrowers are back to having to supply years of tax returns in order to be considered for financing.

What is involved with getting a mortgage for someone who is self-employed in today's marketplace?

If you are self-employed, applying for and getting approved for a home loan will follow generally the same mortgage process as for someone working for an employer. However, instead of documenting your income with a W-2 and a recent paystub there will be a little more paperwork involved. You will likely be asked to provide copies of some of the following items, and possibly additional items if your situation warrants it:

• 2 years tax returns

• your business license

• a letter from your accountant

• a balance sheet and profit & loss statement for your business

Those who have been self employed for two years or more will most likely have an easier time getting approved, but that does not mean you will not qualify simply because you went into business for yourself six months ago. As with any other mortgage, lenders take many factors into account - employment is just one of them. Others include your credit report and score which shows your history of repaying debt, equity in the home, and the amounts of your assets and liabilities. If you are a good borrowing candidate based on these other factors you will likely stack the deck in your favor.

Factoring In Tax Liability - Impact of Write-Offs

When you are self-employed it is important to think about your ability to take out a loan not just when you want to buy a home, but also at tax time. The self-employed borrowers who generally run into problems are those who write off a large portion of their income as business expenses in order to decrease their tax burden. This can come back to haunt them when applying for a mortgage because their income looks much lower than it actually is on the only form most lenders can use to document it - tax returns.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Guide To Refinancing Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage can mean great savings for you and your family. Replacing your existing mortgage with a lower interest loan, changing the term of your loan, or even consolidating all your debts into this new loan could save you money, both monthly and over the life of the loan.
The rule of thumb is when interest rates are 1.5 to 2% lower than you are currently paying on your mortgage, it's time to consider refinancing.
Would Refinancing Be Worth It?
Refinancing can be worthwhile, but it does not make financial sense for everyone. There are a number of items to consider, such as how long you plan to stay in the house. Most sources say that it takes at least 3 years to fully realize the savings from a lower interest rate, given the costs of the refinancing.
Refinancing can be a good idea for homeowners who:
* Have an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) and want a fixed-rate loan to have the certainty of knowing exactly what the mortgage payment will be for the life of the loan.
* Want to build up equity more quickly by converting to a loan with a shorter term.
* Want to draw on the equity built up in their house to get cash for a major purchase or for their children's education.
What Are the Costs of Refinancing?
Costs can vary significantly from area to area and from lender to lender, so the following are estimates only. Your actual closing costs may be higher or lower than the ranges indicated below.
Application Fee $75 - $300. This charge imposed by your lender covers the initial costs of processing your loan request and checking your credit report.
Appraisal Fee $150 - $400. This fee pays for an appraisal, which is a defensible estimate of the value of the property.
Survey Costs $125 - $300.
Homeowner's Hazard Insurance $300 - $600.
Lender's Attorney's Review Fees $75 - $200. The lender will usually charge you for fees paid to the lawyer or company that conducts the closing for the lender.
Title Search and Title Insurance $450 - $600. This charge will cover the cost of examining the public record to confirm ownership of the real estate, and the cost of an insurance policy.
Home Inspection Fees $175 - $350.
Loan Origination Fees 1% of loan. The origination fee is charged for the lender's work in evaluating and preparing your mortgage loan.
Mortgage Insurance 0.5% - 1.0%. Depending on the type of loan you have and other factors, another major expense you might face is the fee for private mortgage insurance.
Points 1% - 3%. Points are prepaid finance charges imposed by the lender at closing to increase the lender's yield beyond the stated interest rate on the mortgage note. One point equals 1% of the loan amount.
Prepayment Penalty. A prepayment penalty on your present mortgage could be the greatest deterrent to refinancing. The mortgage documents for your existing loan will state if there is such a penalty. In some loans, you may be charged interest for the full month in which you prepay your loan. In the future, always make sure there is NO prepayment penalty.
In Conclusion
A homeowner should plan on paying an average of 3 - 6 % of the outstanding principal in refinancing costs, plus any prepayment penalties and the costs of paying off any second mortgages that may exist.
Whether or not that is a wise decision is purely a numbers matter. http://www.mortgagerefinancetoday.com

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How Can Home-Owners Get Better Deals?

When looking for finance, being a home owner has many benefits. There are loans specially designed for home owners that use the property as collateral to secure the loan, but home owners can also get better deals on unsecured loans. Both types of loans are explained in this article.

Home Loans, Refinance Mortgage And Home Equity Loans

These are secured loans, the property guarantees the loan and the creditor can rest assured that if you fail to make the monthly payments he can recover his money by means of the legal action of repossession. But, on the other side, the borrower will enjoy a much cheaper loan because the interest rates charged for secured loans are significantly lower than those of unsecured loans.

Home loans, also known as mortgage loans, are usually employed for purchasing a new home. Nevertheless, a mortgage loan can also be requested against a property you already own as long as it does not have other mortgages and can also be used for making home improvements or other purposes.

A refinance mortgage loan is a loan you request in order to repay a previous mortgage loan. The new mortgage replaces the previous one and the new loan is guaranteed with the same property. Refinancing can save you money if the new loan comes with lower interest rates or can make monthly payments more bearable if the repayment program is extended.

Home equity loans are secured personal loans that can be used for any purpose. The guarantee for these loans is not the whole property but the difference between the market value of the property and the remaining mortgage debt. This amount is called equity and determines the maximum amount of money you can request. There are however some lenders that offer a 135% finance combining the mortgage loan and the home equity loan.

Unsecured Personal Loans

As opposed to the previous loans, unsecured personal loans are not guaranteed by any asset. Since they require no collateral, these loans are the only option for tenants and non-homeowners. They usually come with higher interest rates, smaller loan amounts and shorter repayment programs. However, since they are the only option for those who do not own a property, they are widely available.

You may wonder why a home-owner would want to request an unsecured loan. The reasons are quite simple: Unsecured personal loans have no risk of repossession. Since there is no collateral, there is no legal action against a particular asset. The creditor has to take legal action directly against the debtor which takes a lot longer.

Moreover, since approval, loan amount, interest rate, and loan length are determined by the debtor’s credit when it comes to unsecured loans, home-owners can get much better deals on these loans than non-homeowners. The applicant’s assets are part of his overall credit worthiness and thus, the loan amount he will be able to request can easily reach the value of his property or even more. Similarly, the interest rate will be lower and the repayment program more flexible because, though not directly, the property will still be guaranteeing the loan along with all the debtor’s assets.
Mortgage Rates, Loans And Refinancing Updates.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Home Loan Options for Newbies

The process of choosing a loan and a lender can be quite complicated but if you tackle it in stages you can avoid disappointment, frustration and wasted time. In choosing a home loan that's right for you, the considerations you have to think about are: (1) your needs, (2) the associated costs, and (3) the home loan features.

Considering your needs means answering questions like, "Do you want to make the minimum payments only?"Or "Do you want to be able to extend the loan in the future in case you're unable to pay?" Knowing what mortgage payment you can afford and is the first step into the whole process. Tampa mortgage rates for 2010 are available and are updated online so you can check them before making any decision.

The associated costs include interest rates, current mortgage rates, and fees. Mortgage lenders generally use a ratio of 36% as the guideline for how high your debt-to-income ratio should be. A ratio exceeding 36% could be seen as risky, and the lender will likely either deny the loan or charge a higher interest rate.

Luckily, loan calculators are available online now, so you can do your computations faster and more accurately.

Now it's time to shop for home loans. Like any ordinary shopping process, you have to know the key features of the product you're buying. Here are some home loan options you can choose from:

FHA Loans—or Federal Housing loan is ideal for first timers and middle to low-income borrowers. The FHA loan requires only small down payments; has no penalty payments; and will allow large sum loans when reasonable. Also includes the 203k loan or203k Rehab loan.

VA Loans—or Veteran Affairs loan is a mortgage option which provides American Veterans with financing assistance with their properties. The VA loan allows 100% financing without private mortgage insurance.

USDA loans—this loan is offered strictly for rural areas and is ideal for low and moderate-income families. The USDA loan is a government insured 100% purchase loan.

Reverse Mortgage—also known as a "lifetime mortgage" where senior citizens are allowed to make zero payments and all interest is added to the security interest on the property. Reverse mortgages helps in the release of the home equity in the property so as to use it for a single or multiple debt payment.

Refinancing—has low interest rates. This can help you reduce costs if you have an existing loan, but should be taken with caution if used for consumer purchase (like buying a car). If it lowers your rate by two percent, then choose to have your mortgage refinanced.

Do the math before making a choice. Factor in how much debt (including your spouse if applicable) you can handle with a 36% ratio by multiplying your monthly gross income by .36, which will give you your total allowable monthly payments. After getting the product, add all other existing loans and payments. This will give you your total monthly debt payments. Finally, subtract your total monthly debt payments from your allowable monthly payments. The answer will be your maximum mortgage payment. You can then make a sound decision of what you can or cannot afford. In addition to doing the math, keeping your self updated with current mortgage rates and canvassing for lenders with low mortgage rates should be kept in mind always.

Look for a trusted and government certified home loan company that can provide your mortgage needs. Try Marimark Mortgage LLC. They serve the states of Florida and Virginia.

Monday, September 12, 2011

How to Get Equity Loans Fast

Getting an equity loan is fairly easy nowadays. Many lenders are offering equity loans online that are presented to homeowners with credit problems and so forth. Still, few lenders expect a credit rating around 720; however, few lenders will accept applications from borrowers with lower credit rates. The downside is that the borrower will not receive discounts offered in some loans for outstanding credit ratings, nor will they receive the lowest interest rates or monthly installments.

Still, home equity loans can be of good use if you are paying high interest on secured loans or credit cards. The loans often roll the interest rates into the loan, converting them to a lower rate. It depends on lender and type of loan, but various loans offer rewarding options, while other loans present higher risks. Thus, when searching for equity loans you want to consider all options.

E-Loans are a sort of equity loan that helps borrowers to save. Thus, the E-loan combines “credit scores” with the loans helping the borrower to find a way out of paying high interest. Many lenders offer E-loans that roll the fees and costs of the loan into the monthly installment, thus reducing the cost for the homebuyer. Other types of loans focus on the same principle; however, the lenders may toss in clauses or penalties. In other words, the lender may feel that offering you a great choice presents a threat and will incorporate penalties and clauses in the agreement.

It sounds wacky; still, this is how few lenders work. The penalties may stipulate that if the borrower pays off the mortgage loan earlier than the term agreement, then he may be forced to pay off the first loan in addition to paying off the second loan. Thus, read and learn before considering equity loans.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Secured Loans - Cashing In On Rising House Prices

Look in any estate agent's window and it becomes clear very quickly how much house prices are rising across the UK. But that can be a real advantage to a homeowner looking to raise some quick cash - perhaps to consolidate credit card and other debts or to embark on some home improvements.We're talking secured loans here, of course, perhaps the easiest form of loan to obtain.That's because security for the loan is provided by bricks and morter - your home, in other words.And because there are so many lenders willing to provide such loans, because the borrower is offering bricks and morter as security, some really competitive loan rates are available.The secured loan takes advantage of the equity which may be locked up in the value of a home. For example, a home bought for £60,000 (via a mortgage) may, years later, be worth double the purchase price or more because of the steady, increasing rise in house prices.And it's this difference in value then and now, known as the equity, which allows the homeowner to borrow against and which is attractive to the lender.

The loan may be provided by the lender of the original mortgage. Or it may be obtained via a second mortgage, through a different lender. The homeowner could also obtain a remortgage, for a larger amount.No matter by what method the secured loan is obtained, if the homeowner defaults on repayments, the lender can repossess the property and get back the money borrowed.And of course the lender providing the original mortgage has a legal first charge.This means their claim has priority over the claim of any subsequent lender involved.As such, because of the perceived increased risk, the rates offered by the second lender will usually be higher.

So how much can you borrow? Depends on the equity. What sort of terms are available? Anything from a few years to 10, 20 or more years. What rates can you expect? Somewhere around 6% to 7% is fairly common.But it all depends on your circumstances - and everyone's situation is different.Talk the matter over with an independent financial adviser first before taking the plunge.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Mortgage Loans After Bankruptcy

Many people believe that once they file for bankruptcy they will have a difficult time getting a mortgage loan. However, there is still hope for being approved even with a recent bankruptcy. If you have bad credit and apply for a mortgage loan, more emphasis will be placed on your income your down payment.

Most lenders prefer to wait until two years after your bankruptcy before considering a person for a mortgage loan. After these two years, it should be relatively easy to get financing. In addition, you will probably be able to get one hundred percent financing. This will happen as long as all your payments have been reported as on time to the credit bureau since your bankruptcy.

If you want to get a mortgage loan before the two year period is finished then you will need a pretty much flawless payment history since the time you filed for bankruptcy. In addition, you will need to provide a down payment. The down payments usually range between three and five percent to get approved.

If you do not have the money for a down payment then you can consider borrowing from relatives. Once you finance your home, you should be able to get a second and third mortgage that will allow you to repay them. However, it is best to check with your lender before doing this since most lenders have regulations on where the down payment comes from.

If you do not want to borrow the money then another option is to look for a down payment assistance program like Neighborhood Gold or the Nehemiah program. Such programs give the seller aid in helping you with the down payment. Normally receiving a down payment from the seller is illegal, but through these programs, it becomes legal.

Obtaining mortgage loans after bankruptcy is becoming much easier today. By searching around you will likely find a lender willing to help you with your mortgage loan.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

All About Variable Rate Mortgages

Variable rate mortgages have an interest rate that may fluctuate throughout the term of the loan. Interest rates attached to variable rate mortgages usually move in line with either the Bank of England Base Rate (BoEBR) or the lender’s Standard Variable Rate (SVR) and is quoted as a fixed percentage above one of them. An example of this is a variable rate home loan with an interest rate equalling BoEBR plus 0.25%.

Fixed rate mortgages, on the other hand, have a static rate of interest that is locked in for an agreed period of time. Changes in the base rate or the lenders SVR will not affect the interest rate attached to this type of home loan making this type of product less risky to the borrower as their monthly mortgage payments will not increase.

There are several different types of variable rate mortgage products including tracker rates, discount rates, and capped rates. Tracker rate mortgages and discount rate products have no upper or lower limit and therefore offer the borrower no protection against excessive interest rate rises. They also, however, offer the borrower the potential for substantial decreases in the interest rate attached to the variable rate home loan helping them to save money.

Capped rate mortgages have an inbuilt upper limit above which the interest rate on the product cannot rise even if the base rate rises above this limit. Capped rate mortgages therefore offer the borrower protection against excessive base rate rises while still offering the advantage of saving money through potential decreases in the base rate.

Unlike fixed rate mortgages, variable rate mortgages offer borrowers no protection against interest rate rises and are therefore risky. The amount of monthly repayments due can both rise and fall throughout the term of the mortgage therefore making variable rate mortgages unsuitable for householders who have a tight budget.

Despite this risk, variable rate mortgages do have some advantages. During periods of traditionally high interest rates many borrowers opt for variable rate mortgages if they are expecting the cost of borrowing to fall. This is because any fall in the underlying interest rate will be passed onto them by their lender, resulting in a decrease in their monthly mortgage payments.

Additionally, variable rate mortgages have less stringent terms and conditions than their fixed rate counterparts, and are usually offered with low fees and no tie-in periods. It is essential to assess the fees and charges attached to home loans before applying instead of opting for the product that appears to have the most favourable interest rate structure. This is because the cost of the fees may outweigh the benefits of the interest rates – whether they are fixed or variable.

Because of the various advantages and disadvantages of variable rate home loans, professional and impartial advice should be sought from an independent mortgage broker before applying for a this type of mortgage. An independent broker will be able to offer impartial expert mortgage advice on all types of home loans from the entire range of UK lenders.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Home Mortgage Loans

Getting rid of the mortgage early is something that many home owners in the UK aspire to achieve. Being free of the principal financial debt in most people's lives at the earliest stage possible offers financial security and peace of mind for later on in life. Paying off the mortgage early is no pipe dream though. In 2003, the average age of outright home ownership was 56, by 2004 the average age had fallen dramatically to just 48!

How home owners pay off their mortgages early

The secret to paying your mortgage off early lies in choosing the right type of home loan, and this is where flexible mortgage loans and offset mortgage loans step in.

Flexible mortgage loans, as their name suggests, offer flexible mortgage repayment terms where overpayment of mortgage is allowed by the home owner without incurring a penalty. Some flexible mortgage loans allow overpayment of a limited amount, such as 10% of the mortgage value, while other flexible home mortgage loans cater for unlimited overpayment by the home owner.

The advantage of flexible home mortgage loans is that as well as allowing you to overpay, you can also underpay, so taking a 'payment holiday' if finances become a little thin. Underpayment is of course subject to the terms of the mortgage, and will normally only be allowed if it amounts to less than the funds that have been overpaid.

Overpayment via flexible home mortgage loans means that you get to reduce your mortgage capital as well as pay off interest accrued on the capital each month. For each successive month that you make an overpayment the amount of interest paid on the overall mortgage is therefore reduced. An overpayment of just £65 on an £80,000 mortgage with the interest rate at 6.0%, will see mortgage loans paid off 5 years early, amounting to a total saving of some £15,000.

Offset home mortgage loans

Offset home mortgage loans were unveiled to the home owner in 1998, and have gained a great deal of respect from home owners since that time. Offset mortgage loans help to pay off a mortgage early by using what is known as a 'sweeper' system. Providing that the home owner has their current and/or savings account with the mortgage loans provider, their available balance is 'swept' across to their mortgage account each day to offset/reduce the amount of mortgage capital subjected to interest.

To illustrate the advantages of offset mortgage loans, take a mortgage of £100,000 and a balance of £10,000 in your current account and/or savings account. Instead of the interest rate being applied to the £100,000 every day or every month, the interest rate would be applied to your mortgage balance less the balance in your current account / savings account. This means that interest would only be applied to £90,000 of your mortgage, effectively making 10% of your mortgage interest-free!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Time Influences Mortgage Refinancing

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, mortgage refinances are expected to reach $1.93 trillion in 2009, while new mortgage originations will reach about $825 billion. The prime factors behind the drive to refinance are the rising rates of unemployment, new programs by Freddie and Fannie Mae, and actions made by the Federal Reserve.

With the Federal Reserve constantly working to keep interest rates low, and programs available that encourage homeowners to refinance their mortgages, this may be the best time to refinance a high-priced mortgage. This may also be the best time to refinance a mortgage for a longer term. While refinancing your mortgage for a longer term may substantially increase the total amount of a mortgage, it will greatly lower monthly payments. It is important to sit down and reassess you financial situation to decide if you refinancing your home mortgage is an option for you.

Time-in On Your Mortgage before Refinancing

While there is no definite rule about how long you have to hold a mortgage before attempting to refinance, time may play a significant role. If you had to accept a higher-than-optimal interest rate because of past bad credit, for instance, and are counting on your improved credit rating to get you lower interest rates on a refinance, you should wait at least six months before refinancing. Six months is about how long it takes most lenders to start reporting your payment history to the credit bureaus.

The timing of a mortgage refinance is a delicate balancing act. The longer you continue paying the higher interest rate, the more it will cost you, but the longer you make regular payments on your mortgage, the better your credit score will look when you do apply to refinance your mortgage.

Another effect that time has on your ability to refinance is that the longer you pay on your mortgage, the higher equity you will have in your home. This is important because it will determine whether or not a lender will consider refinancing your mortgage. First, you will need to calculate how much equity you have in your home. It is actually not difficult to figure out your equity on your own. You first need to find out how much your home is currently worth, and then subtract the amount you still owe on your mortgage. For example, if your home is worth $100,000 and you still owe $60,000 on your mortgage, then your home equity is $40,000 or 40%.

Once you have that figure, you can research the type of mortgage refinance that a lender will be willing to grant you. Most lenders require at least 5% to 10% equity to agree to refinance your mortgage from an adjustable rate to a fixed rate, or to change the length of your mortgage term. Thus, if you want to go from a 30 year to a 40 year mortgage, you should have at least 5% equity in your home.

How Long You Intend to Stay in Your Home

The other time factor that affects your decision to refinance your home mortgage is how long you intend to remain in your current home. Since you will incur closing costs and penalties for early loan repayment when you refinance your loan, it will take time for you to actually realize any savings on your refinanced mortgage. For example, if you currently are paying $660 a month on a 30 year $100,000 mortgage, you can lower your monthly payment to $590 a month by refinancing to a 30 year $100,000 mortgage, a savings of over $70 a month. If the loan closing costs and penalties for early repayment total $2,500, it will take at least thirty six months for you to recover the costs of your loan. Therefore, unless you are planning to stay in your home for at least three more years, refinancing your mortgage loan will actually cost you money rather than save you money. The longer you remain in your home at the lower interest rate, the more savings you will realize. If you remain in your home for another ten years, you will realize $5,900 in savings. If you stay in your home for another twenty years, you will pay $14,300 less in mortgage payments at 6% than you would at 5%.

Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster

Another reason to refinance your mortgage is to pay it off faster. If your financial circumstances change, and you have more money to put toward your mortgage, you may consider refinancing your mortgage to a shorter term. You will not only pay off the loan faster and get out of debt sooner, but you will also be paying considerably less for your home. For example, if you refinance a $100,000, 30 year fixed term mortgage to a 15 year fixed term mortgage, you will increase your monthly payment from $599.95 to $849 monthly, but you will save $63,000 over the life of the loan.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Few Mortgage Tips To Help You Prevent Foreclosure

If you fall behind on your mortgage payments, there are several steps that you can take to help prevent foreclosure. First, it's important to understand your mortgage. If you don't understand the type of mortgage you have, you'll be unhappily surprised when your payments adjust. Adjustable Rate Mortgages are not fixed, and your payments will change, you must be aware of whether you have a fixed rate or adjustable mortgage to begin making plans. If you have a hybrid adjustable rate mortgage, you'll need to know when you can expect your payments to increase.

Hybrid and Adjustable Rate Mortgages might be refinanced to a fixed rate if you foresee that you will have difficulty making the new payments. Don't give up and be persistent. Keep contacting your loan officer and request a refinance for your loan. Other options include devising a repayment plan with your loan officer, and can be used to prevent foreclosure. A repayment plan is effective for those who have fallen behind on their mortgage payments and would like to create a new schedule until they are caught up. You can also discuss a reinstatement plan. This enables you to arrange to pay your past due amount by a certain date, this method is also an effective way to prevent foreclosure.

Forbearance is another option that should be discussed with your loan officer. With a forbearance agreement, your payments would be temporarily reduced, or even suspended for a time period that you and your loan service officer agree upon. At the end of the agreed upon time, you resume your payments and regularly meet any other stipulations that were originally agreed upon.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Composite Credit Report Score simplifies Mortgage Issues

Do you want a mortgage loan for your new home? Trying to qualify for a new mortgage can be very tough, especially if you aren’t aware of the effect your credit report score has on your ability to get approved for loans. One of the first things a lender looks at to determine your suitability for a mortgage loan is your credit report, or FICO score.

This is a composite score that gives a quick glance at your overall responsibility rating when it comes to finances. It has to do with how well you maintain repayment plans, how well you keep the ratios of your overall debt to income, your stability in employment, and many other things. Basically, the better your credit report score, the more likely you are to qualify for the loan you want.

Of course, there are many things that a lender considers before reaching the decision about your suitability for a mortgage loan. Employment stability is one. Lenders know that people who stay in the same field of work will more likely stay employed, and therefore will be more likely to repay their obligations. So, even if you have changed jobs recently, if you have kept a progression of advancing within the same field, or have simply changed employers but kept the same basic job with each, your ability to be approved for a mortgage loan should not be hindered much, unless there are negative reasons for your changing jobs.

As a matter of fact, now that automated credit report scoring has come into the lending business, less discretion gets used in determining who qualifies for what credit rate. This is supposed to ensure more objectivity in the loan approval process. For this purpose, the automated credit report score is used to give lenders the ability to boil the entire process down to review of only your overall score.

Unfortunately, this can close out some borrowers from getting loans of the amount, or interest rate they would like. Its even possible that a prospective borrower with enough income could actually be denied a loan he could afford due to a low standardized credit report score. For this reason, its imperative that prospective borrowers be diligent about improving their credit report scores and paying their bills on time. In this way the problem of disputing a low credit report score is alleviated.

Since there are five key factors that go into the composite credit report score, knowing what they are can help consumers to take control of their financial destiny by making them able enough to change things in their favor.

The very first thing that affects your overall credit report score is how well you repay your debts. Even a person with low income who carefully ensures that all his debts are repaid on time will be able to maintain a high credit report score. And timing is everything. A recent late payment is worse than several late payments some years ago.

Next, collection accounts and public histories are important to your credit report score. This means accounts that go into collection, foreclosure, and bankruptcies are harmful to your score. Ensuring these don’t show up on your credit report goes a long way towards improving your credit report score. And therefore, the accuracy of your credit report becomes more important than ever. Consumers need to check their credit reports at least yearly and make sure the information therein is accurate.

Credit report scores below 620 will require remedial work to bring up to an acceptable level. This may take extended amount of time, perhaps years. But its worth it. You must build a positive credit history that shows extended time of handling your finances in a responsible way in order to bury old negative information.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Quick Tips For Getting A Mortgage

1. Watch out for the 'Deal Of A Lifetime', the deal that seems too good to be true. The company may be saving money by cutting back on their level of service.

2. When getting a fixed rate: get a written statement which details the interest rate, how long the rate is fixed for, and the conditions attached.

3. When interest rates fall: try and leave your repayments as they are. You will therefore be paying more than the minimum each month. You'll repay your loan much earlier. When rates rise again you may not have to change your payment.

4. Consider a fifteen or twenty year term. Try to pay off your mortgage quickly. Use a mortgage calculator with an amortization function, and see what's possible.

5. Keep your mortgage as small as possible. Aim for *comfortable* affordability.

6. Try not to 'churn' your mortgage. Each time you refinance you'll probably incur completion costs and non-refundable fees.

7. Beware of prepayment penalties. Many 'no fee' credit lines have a pre-payment penalty. This can be very expensive if you are planning to refinance or sell your house in a few years time.

You don't need to sign a mortgage agreement which contains any significant prepayment penalty, if you have good credit. One of the smartest things you can do with a mortgage is to prepay it.

8. Don't look for a home without being pre-approved. You will have much more negotiating power with the vendor, and may be able to save thousands of pounds.

9. Get a full, professional survey. Human beings can be perverse; happy to spend £150,000 on a house after a half-hour viewing, but be-grudge spending £500 finding out whether it's worth buying in the first place!

10. Find out the true value of your home-to-be. Get more than one independent appraisal. Compare it with the prices of similar-sized houses for sale in the same area.

11. Start gathering documents. Provide your mortgage company with documents in good time; don't let your rate lock expire!

12. Verbal (oral) agreements are worthless. When buying or selling property, always get it in writing.

A mortgage is the biggest financial committment most of us will ever make; worth spending a little time on, to get it right!

About The Author

T. O' Donnell (www.tigertom.com/mortgages-uk.shtml) offers mortgage quotes, advice, an ebook and a mortgage calculator, in London, UK.